Another year in the VET sector and another year of change; there is certainly nothing that seems to stand still in our sector. As the end of the year approaches I am sure many people are wondering how 2015 will pan out for them, and for others in the sector.
Well there are no predictions for the 12 months ahead as we know the standards are out and they come into play in January 1st 2015. What will be interesting is how everyone approaches them and what the auditors approach to compliance will be. So here are my 4 tips for RTO for 2015.
- Maintaining Your Focus For the Long Term. With the new Standards, changes to Training Packages, implementation of the USI and industry changes and a downturn in mining, we are certainly in the midst of uncertain times. With such uncertainty, certain questions naturally come to mind: What will the ongoing impact be? How do we do this (whilst looking at the standards and scratching you head)? How can small RTOs manage that (referring to the validation requirements)? This type of speculation while natural is ultimately unproductive — at this point we need to buckle up and get ready for the ride, seize the moment and transform it into an opportunity — an opportunity to sharpen the focus of your RTOs vision and long-term goals. With change all around, one thing is certain: This is not the time to lose focus. You need to maintain your long term focus and move ahead.
- Maintaining Your Focus on Service Quality. Today’s market is challenging, however if you have bedded down your foundations, established great systems then you are in a great space to have the initiative and perseverance to improve on your customer service and take advantage of the changes around you. If you haven’t bedded down your foundations, then now is a time to start. The VET sector has a track record of change and navigating through cyclical downturns. Rather than be thrown off course by short-term wobbles remain focused on your proven training and assessment strategies and internal processes to deliver the greatest value to your customers and clients. If you look past the uncertainties and stay focused on the long view — you will emerge stronger and more competitive than ever.
- Keeping up with Innovation. You have to keep one step ahead, not only with the standards, but with technology. Use digital data to maintain your compliance. The digital age is transforming and in some cases, threatening the traditional business model and it certainly is installing itself into training. And it is increasingly moving into the administrative areas. The RTOs who can harness the power of digital data, and keep compliance will be the big winners. Move fast and don’t be afraid to make mistakes (remember your continuous improvement). Be bold, think big and learn along the way.
- Keeping Mobile
Mobiles are used for everything now a days. There is a phenomenal growth in the use of mobile to view moving images. So this is important and useful for our training and assessing. Use it to your advantage. Keep digital images for compliance and validation. review the way you store your information and how it can be done better.
Does this help? What would you add to my 4 ideas to support RTO in 2015? Please leave a comment below. I would also like to take this opportunity to wish all my followers a Happy and Safe Christmas and I look forward to conversing with you in the New Year.
May I wish you a very happy New Year to you and your team.I’m a VET trainer based in Melbourne and I find your blogs most helpful.Through my experiences,I find that updating my P.D and maintaining my industry currency ( in this case,hospitality)has been of great benefit,along with my Cert IV upgrades.You never stop learning,even as a trainer!….
Yes I totally agree that learning is a never ending process. Thanks for your comments and thoughts.