5 signs that your RTO might not be ready for an audit

1.      Clutter. Do you have clutter around you, on your desk, under your desk, packed filing cabinets and clutter around the RTO?

2.      Culture. Is there a negative vibe in the office? Oh why do we have to do this or that? If you don’t like change, compliance, audits then don’t play in the RTO space. Maybe partnering is a better way to go forward with your training business.

3.      Reactive. Are your processes reactive; quick must do it now, start training yesterday, have them signed up….etc etc . you need to build a business that is sustainable financially. Being reactive does not make good business sense. Everyone developed great plans for their inital audit, but are you following them? Do you know where they are?

4.      Charity. Do you give away too much knowledge or too much time? You have to run a business. Do you know how much it is costing you to run your business?

5.      Avoidance. What are you avoiding?

If you are showing signs of any of the above, then you need a Pre-Audit Compliance Check. An Audit conducted by an external consultant can assist you in managing your compliance, it’s also tailored to meet your organisational needs.

F4 Solutions undertakes Compliance and Document Spot Check Auditing.

  •                   AQTF Audits
  •                   ASQA/SNR Audits

The audit will investigate what is causing the issues you have identified above and how to rectify them. As with any business, being an RTO provider requires compliance with relevant State and National regulations. These are constantly changing and the requirements to meet all new and updated regulations can be a task in itself, let alone trying to manage your daily training operations.

We guide you to ensure that you are fully compliant. Change your clutter to systems; reactive to being proactive; work on your business; say thank you and understand your time.

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