Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VET in Schools) are programs undertaken by school students as part of the senior secondary certificate that provide credit towards a nationally recognised VET qualification within the Australian Qualifications Framework. The training that students receive reflects specific industry competency standards and is delivered by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) or a school in partnership with an RTO.
The federal government has launched a new website designed to improve the quality of vocational education and training (VET) for secondary school students. The Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, Senator Scott Ryan, announced the ‘Preparing Secondary Students for Work’ website and online assessment tool.
The website is designed to help principals, teachers and trainers provide high quality, industry relevant courses for students studying VET at secondary school.
Visit the website here.
Vocational Educational and Training (VET) forms an integral piece of the Australian Education system and is designed to deliver workplace specific skills and knowledge based competencies. VET is a sophisticated system governed by interconnected government and independent bodies functioning within a strict National Skills Framework of qualifications defined by industry Training Packages and explicit quality delivery standards. Our national VET system is informed by industry and is client focused to deliver flexible, relevant and responsive education and training.