Learning outcomes
Participants will gain a practical understanding of their reporting obligations including:
- What is AVETMISS reporting?
- What data do I need to collect?
- How do I find an AVETMISS compliant software system?
- How do I know if my data is AVETMISS compliant?
- When, how and who do I submit my data to?
- How can I use AVETMISS data to inform my business practices?
- What help is available?
This webinar will be offered four times during September and October 2014.
To register, please select one of the following dates.
All webinars will run from 2.30 to 3.30pm AEST.
Thursday 18 September 2014
Monday 29 September 2014
Thursday 16 October 2014
Monday 27 October 2014
Please direct enquiries to webinar@ncver.edu.au.
Original web page is found here
hi would like to enrol for webinar in 18 sep 2014