
Encourage informal reviews in your RTO

Quality circles are a form of informal review and are an excellent way to look at  what is working and what isn’t workingwithin your RTO. Quality circles involve a brain storming activity that allows the members of the work circles to indentify, analyse, and recommend solutions to work-related problems. The problems are listed and then […]

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Trainer and Assessor qualifications within your RTO.

As you know from previous comments the NQC is no longer and they are now the NSSC. When the NQC was winding up they finalised some outstanding items. Among the significant decisions made at its final meeting on 29 June 2011 is that there will be an amendment to the  ‘NQC Determination on AQTF trainer

Trainer and Assessor qualifications within your RTO. Read More »

Professional development in the VET sector

Recently I have been having discussions with clients regarding Professional Development….and it seems to be a recurring theme, so I thought I would write to you all about it. There is no simple answer on the best solution for RTOs and their PD activities as it veries between industries, states and the person who holds

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TAA/ TAE Professional development in the VET workforce

You may have realised by now that I am interested in the quality and professionalism of the vocational education and training (VET) community. That is why I write these blogs and undertake the work I do. Recently I found some research undertaken by Hugh Guthrie, NCVER in relation to the quality of trainers, assessors and RTO staff. It is interesting reading. A summary of his findings are…

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