Change to scope of registration for ASQA RTOs

In the past couple of weeks a number of my clients have noticed that their scope has changed. The reason is because recently ASQA has implemented a system upgrade to correctly represent the status of qualifications and units of competency on an RTO’s scope of registration. ASQAnet now automatically determines whether a course is ‘In transition’, ‘teach-out’ or ‘superseded’.

If a course is in teach-out or superseded, it will no longer appear on the provider’s current scope on However, users can still view these items by selecting the ‘Display history’ checkbox on

Providers can still deliver these scope items where this complies with the General direction on transition and teach-out.

RTOs must manage the transition from superseded Training Packages or accredited courses within 12 months of their publication on the national register. This also applies for individual units of competency. For minor changes where the unit maintains the same national code but the version has been updated (for instance, from version “A” to “B”), the RTO is not required to apply to ASQA to update its scope of registration on the national register as part of its transition obligations.

Remember to check your Training Packages regularly to ensure any updates are recorded by your RTO and any new units / qualifications are added to your scope. 


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