Enterprise RTOs

Enterprise RTOs (ERTOs) have emerged as a significant component of the Australian VET

sector in recent years. To me they are some of the best run RTOs around. They are soley there for their employees, and therefore can often take the time to provide the training and assistance. The business functions come first and the training is an extremely important aspect of enabling this function.Validation Assessment

They also have a huge benefit for their Trainers and Assessors, who deliver accredited training within their enterprise, are often able to continue working in industry.  They, too, are expected to be skilled in training and assessment, and possess sound industry currency for the purposes of  their RTO’s activity (an area that is becoming increasing difficult for public and private RTOs to meet).

Enterprise Registered Training Organisations (ERTOs) are usually defined by having the following characteristics;

  • The core business of the registered enterprise is not the provision of training
  • The enterprise RTO provides accredited training for the employees of the enterprise
  • The enterprise RTO is embedded or integrated within the standard business processes of the Enterprise (taken from the ERTOA site)

Having worked with many Enterprise RTOs, they are always fulfilling as you cna see directly the benefits of the delivering the training. 

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