Opportunities may well be passing you by
Research and experience has proven that a lack of direct business focus to access and leverage contestable funds means your business is missing valuable opportunities that you may not be aware of. However, keeping up with these sources is both time consuming and frustrating.
Grants and Tenders can save you time and effort by:
- Providing up to date and timely information on current funding opportunities
- Valuable tips on how best to apply for this funding
- Inside information based on years of experience on how to prepare and win a funding grant
- Numerous ideas and tips on how to use the internet and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to advance your business
- Putting you in touch with consultants who can help you with your tender application.
There is a Free Webinar – How Grants and Tenders can help you
- 26th October 2012 – 12.00 – 12.30 pm AEDT To register email: contact@grantsandtenders.com.au