A media release dated 26 August, 2011 announced the establishment of the new standards setting body for the vocational education and training (VET) sector, the National Skills Standards Council (NSSC). (Ctrl and Click, or Copy and Paste to your web browser)
The key functions of the National Skills Standards Council are to:
- develop and maintain national standards for regulation of vocational education and training for approval by SCOTESE and provide advice to SCOTESE on development and implementation of the standards;
- provide information, through SCOTESE, to the regulators of vocational education and training on the implementation and interpretation of the national standards and on issues of quality standards generally in the vocational education and training sector;
- provide information to the vocational education and training sector on the national standards and any changes to the standards;
- provide advice to SCOTESE on the operation of the regulators of vocational education and training;
- endorse national training packages
NSSC was established to commence operations from 1 July 2011 and will undertake many of the functions carried out by the NQC.
The policies/determinations of the NQC remain current until they are amended/changed by the NSSC.
For further information including the Membership of the NSSC, (Ctrl and Click, or Copy and Paste to your web browser)