Aged Care Service Providers and Educators are invited to the launch of The Useful Educator’s Guide on Thursday 24th July 9:30am – 10:30am at Baptist Village Baxter – 8 Robinsons Road, Frankston South.
One of the concerns the aged care industry raised in the SE Melbourne WIN region was the skill level and personal attributes of new entrants. The ability to attract, train and retain ‘right-fit’ new entrants was identified as a key priority for the future. Educators and industry representatives have worked together to make sure we understand the skills required for the future. The product of their work is ‘The Useful Educator’s Guide’. The next step will be the formation of an ongoing Network of regional stakeholders committed to the continuous improvement of the quality and content of aged care training at Certificate III level.
The Launch
Registered training organisations and aged care providers are invited to a launch event on Thursday 24th July. Attendees will be provided with copies of the ‘guide’ and educators will be invited to submit a response to the aged care industry on how this guide will affect the way they deliver training in the future. Based on responses received from educators, invitations will be extended to form the continuous improvement Network.
Who should attend
The individuals who participated in contributed to the content of this resource and all those who have a vested interest in the development of skills for the future in aged care.
If you would like to attend the launch or need more information about the Aged Care WIN program in SE Melbourne, please contact Sandra Bygrave M: 0457 195 799 or E:
Information taken from the AWPN Inc website