When we think of leadership, thoughts of courage, resiliency, boldness and determination come to mind. We think of the person confidently in charge leading the team into success. What we often do not think of is having micro managers or delegation leaders. Micro managers are throughout workplaces, including RTOs. The problem they have is, they usually are not aware they are doing it. The Micromanager rules with an iron fist, hoards all the power, and controls all the decisions. A leaders who has the ability to wisely and effectively delegate is a quality far more quiet than others, and yet one of the most crucial to a leader’s success.
Tony Gleeson, chief executive of the Australian Institute of Management Victoria and Tasmania, said the AIM’s 2013 Employee Engagement Survey of 2223 professionals found 38 per cent did not agree with the statement “my manager helps me perform at my best”. Gleeson believes the survey result is largely due to micro managers. “Some people won’t like this but I actually think micro management is worse for an organisation than having no management at all,” he says.
“It eats away at organisations, strangling productivity, creativity and general growth, because employees stop speaking up due to these bosses’ controlling ways and this makes a really serious problem.”
Effective delegation is one of the keys to achieving your leadership goals. The Delegator is more consultative than dictatorial, relinquishes power, and shares responsibility. A delegator creates creativity increases staff morale and overall improves productivity.
Here are five suggestions on how to become a better delegator.
- Get over your perfectionist streak: A key to delegating is recognising that it is not always your way or the highway. Others can achieve the same result, in perhaps a different way. Allows others to shine.
- Define Success: The clearer your employees are on your expectations, the more likely they are to fulfil them. Provide clarity on the result you desire.
- Help others to succeed: As a leader you are to help other shine, mentor and provide guidance – not an iron fist.
- Focus on the Outcome: Don’t be so bothered about how an employee achieves an outcome. Just be comfortable that they achieve it. The process is of lesser importance.
- Follow Up: Once the task has been completed, provide feedback (and receive it) on what worked and what could be improved.
Enjoy the time in your RTO.
Just wondering the requirement for staff appraisal and reviews as part of the
RTO meeting compliance requirements?
(would informal meetings be applicable/ including staff and RTO meetings )
Hi Ross
Great to hear from you. It really depends on what you have written into your Policies and Procedures. Do you say you will appraise staff? if so how often? The current standards don’t ask specifically, however they do require that you have RTO Systems for staffing. These systems will vary according to the RTO’s complexity and scope of operations.
The systems include that Staff know and meet their responsibilities for implementing the system, legislation, about the RTO and its training and assessment. If you believe that your informal meetings with staff can cover these areas, then make sure that is what you say in your policies, and practice it.