Meeting the requirements as a Trainer and Assessor

One of the biggest questions I am asked is relating to demonstrating the vocational competency. What are the qualifications, skills, experience, and professional development requirements for trainers working in the VET sector?

The NSSC have a document under the heading Policies called “Determination for trainer and assessor competencies”. This relates to AQTF 1.4 or VQF Standard of National Registration (SNR) 4.4 / 15.4.

In this document you will find a number of areas that are continually being asked for new RTOs and existing RTOs.

Two areas I would like to comment on are below.

The NSSC has said:

How can I demonstrate vocational competency?

Trainers and assessors must be able to demonstrate vocational competencies at least to the level being assessed, for example either by holding the specific qualification to be delivered or assessed, or by demonstrating equivalence of competency at the unit level.

Evidence used to demonstrate equivalence of vocational competency may include consideration of relevant past training, including consideration of superseded and pre-existing industry qualifications, experience, and professional development. Equivalency is most commonly demonstrated by an individual through mapping his/her past training, experience and ongoing professional development against the unit of competency. This process may or may not identify gaps that require to be addressed.

A person who has vocational competency will be familiar with the content of the vocation and will have relevant current experience in the industry. Training Packages may include advice specific to the vocational competencies of trainers and assessors.

Recognition is at the discretion of the employing RTO and is subject to AQTF / SNR audit.


An example of this process is to show, through an evidence based process, the relationship between the qualification they are delivering and their vocational skills and knowledge (for example a trainer delivering a Certificate IV in Business who holds a Bachelors Degree in Business).

Remember you need to be able to demonstrate to the RTO you are working with that they evidence you have is showing you can train and assess in these units.

Industry Currency

Trainers and Assessors must also demonstrate that they have current skill and experience in the vocational area they are training and assessing within. Industry currency enables trainers to deliver and assess vocational training relevant to current industry practices.


The NSSC states:

How can I demonstrate that I have maintained the currency of my industry skills and my trainer/ assessor competencies?

Trainers and assessors in the VET sector have dual competency requirements. The TAE10 Training and Education Training Package provides advice as to evidence that may be used to demonstrate the maintenance of the currency of trainer and assessor competencies, while other Training Packages or Accredited Courses may include advice as to evidence that may be used to demonstrate the maintenance of the currency of skills which are specific to the industry.

The best form of evidence is to apply your knowledge to perform the skills on the job. If you train in Forklift driving, then drive a forklift on a regular basis, record the time you do, and provide this evidence to the RTO.


Key to demonstrating compliance with the requirements of a trainer’s ability to meet the requirement is for the RTO to define what is sufficient. They then need to collect the evidence, verify it, and then monitor to ensure updated results are being received.


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