Minor changes of codes; how does this effect your RTO?

Recently I have had conversations with people within RTOs asking about how they go about delivering units that have had minor updates, but it has meant they have a last letter in the code changing, for example, HLTCC401A to HLTCC401B.

No wonder there has been confusion; I have noted that not every registering body has had the same approach in the past. For example some automatically ‘rolled over’ the scope of registration to the revised training package qualification and others required RTOs to formally notify them via a form for the changes to be recorded on your scope. Where formal application is required you cannot train or assess against these changed codes, until you have notified and been approved by your registering body.

ASQA have now confirmed that its policy for minor updates.

Adding qualifications and units of competency for minor updates

ASQA does not require an application from registered training organisations (RTOs) when there are minor updates (Industry Skills Council upgrades) of Training Package qualifications or units of competency, if an RTO has the qualification on their scope. ASQA will check that updates have been taken into account when an audit is conducted.

Where there is a change to the title, the code and the outcome, as a result of more significant changes (National Skills Standards Council Endorsement) to a Training Package qualification or unit of competency, an application for change of scope will be required.

If you are currently not registered with ASQA, I recommend you check with your registering body to find out their policy.

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