As an RTO you are expected to provide an Induction program for your staff. An important aspect, yet so often neglected. Are you NON Complaint?
Induction is the key to ensuring that employees have both the knowledge and confidence to commence duties as quickly as possible. Effective induction and ongoing support and development at the beginning a new job or contract plays a significant role in the longevity of the placement. It is often the case that a lot of employees will leave jobs because of poor induction, rather than poor selection.
Do you give your induction program the same attention that you give your training programs? Chances are you don’t! From what I see around the traps, many RTOs haven’t updated their induction program for months, (years?) but your training is continually being improved. Don’t worry, you’re not alone.
Designing an induction program
When designing an induction program firstly look at the legislative requirements. Then you should ask what the employee needs to know and what the organisation needs them to know in the first 24 hours, the first week, the first month and the first year.
Some of the points to consider when designing the induction program are:
- whether the format should be formal or informal
- do you need a checklist to keep on the employees file
- whether the program should be aimed at individuals or groups
- when the program should be conducted
- who should be involved in presenting the program
- the length of the program
- if it can be Web-based – access it from anywhere
- can it be linked to a unit of competence?
Induction programs typically cover many of the ‘knowledge’ requirements, for example in areas such as following safety policies and procedures, providing services to clients, working effectively, understanding relevant legislation, and teamwork. Often this knowledge is part of a unit of competency. As an RTO could you enhanced the process by using units of competency and adding an ‘assessment’ component to be completed by new employees? This could lead to statements of attainment being issued to new entrants upon successful completion of the induction program and assessment component. Something to consider.
Online induction program
Online induction programs are innovative and unique training solutions that allow your organisation to provide a quality program for your new employees and/or contractors. The beauty of having access to an online induction system is that you can deliver it when someone is employed (straight away) rather than waiting for more people to commence and delaying the process.
RTO Tip – go and look at your RTO Induction and check:
- does it meet your legislative requirements?
- are you covering everything about your RTO?
- have you been collecting evidence of conducting the induction?
- Have ALL of your trainers and assessors been inducted?