The Internet contains a world of information and often find it overwhelming when undertaking research, others love it. But, if you want to use web content as research material, you must look at the reliability and source of the material before using it for research. So many people write blogs and have their own opinions. No editorial body oversees or fact checks web content, therefore false information makes its way to the Internet every day.
If you are looking for past releases of NCVER’s vocational education and training statistics or for information on what areas you should be moving into you can find them in VOCEDplus, the free international tertiary education research database. The VOCEDplus statistical resources page provides quick access to archived releases as well as links to current data on NCVER’s Portal. The page also contains links to key international statistical resources and organisation. Use this material to your advantage and source your material from research you can rely on.
Latest news
Crackdown On Vet-Fee Help Long Overdue 
The Andrews Labor Government has welcomed the announcement of a plan to stop the massive waste of taxpayers’ money from the Turnbull Government’s VET-FEE Help debacle.
The plan, outlined during Opposition Leader Bill Shorten’s Budget reply speech last night, features a loan cap of $8,000 a year in the VET-FEE Help program.
Victoria has been pushing for more realistic loan levels for the last year in a bid to stop cowboy operators exploiting vulnerable students. A lack of funding limits, an inappropriate upper limit on loans, a disconnect with industry and a lack of emphasis on competition has resulted in massive loans with little benefit to show. see more
Requirement to upgrade TAE qualification
Even though RTOs are sending out newsletters and emails stating everyone needs to update their qualifications yet again ASQA have made a public announcement. The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has advised that, while the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) has recently made a recommendation to the COAG Industry and Skills Council that the changes to the TAE training package be applied to the existing VET workforce, no decision has been made on this matter and such a decision would require changes to the Standards for RTOs 2015.
Should such a change be made, RTOs would be advised well in advance of any implementation and afforded ample time to meet the new requirements.