Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
It is a requirement that you show you have the resources for and actively encourage recognition of prior learning. One of the key objectives RTO Standards is to facilitate pathways to formal qualifications that include recognition of prior learning that has occurred outside formal education and training.
Inclusions in your Assessment tools
Commonly, an assessment tool will include some of the following:
- assessment plans
- templates and proformas for recording assessment outcomes (or judgement tools)
- information and instructions to the candidate and assessor, including OHS requirements
- mapping document to each individual unit
- specific questions or activities
- evidence and observation checklists
Assessment judgements need to:
- be regularly validated
- involve the evaluation of valid, sufficient, current and authentic evidence to enable professional judgements to be made about whether competence has been achieved
- reflect the requirements of the unit of competency including any pre-requisite and co-requisite units of competency
- reflect achievement of skills required in the workplace
- provide information for constructive feedback and guidance to candidates.
RTO Assessment tips provide you with skills you can implement into your RTO straight away. For any further information Contact F4 Solutions.