ASQA have made some changes to way they will be conducting their RTO Audit.
Notice of intent
During your RTO Audit at present, if an RTO is found non-compliant at a compliance audit ASQA provide an opportunity to recify. In most instances ASQA will give the RTO the opportunity to submit rectification evidence before issuing a notice of intent.
- From 1 August 2016, if a compliance audit identifies highly concerning non-compliances, your RTO may be issued with a ‘Notice of intent to impose administrative sanction’.
- You may then have a period of up to 20 working days to respond to the notice. Of course this means submitting any supporting evidence before a decision is made.
This change aligns ASQA’s approach to compliance audits with the existing approach to application audits. RTOs’ rights to natural justice before a final decision to impose a sanction are not affected by this change in approach.
New model
- A new model that will take a more holistic view and focus on following the ‘journey’ of a student through their engagement with a provider. Through this model, providers will be more accountable for redressing harm caused by non-compliance.
Written direction
- If ASQA identifies non-compliances that are not considered serious during a compliance or application audit, ASQA may issue the provider with a written direction, requiring it to:
- address the non-compliances within a specified period, and
- retain evidence that this has occurred.
For further information
go to the ASQA page.