RTO learning – No such thing as a free lunch

Learning is not instantaneous.

In an RTO learning is not instantaneous. Regardless of how many people advertise to say you will learn something in a very short space of time. The facts are if you want to learn something, you have to devote time and effort to it. There is no free lunch. There is however ways to get more out of your training.

Spacing out practice enhances memory.

Research has shown the secret to enhanced learning is to spread it out over a period of time, as opposed to clumping it into one huge heap of time. It is the same in your RTO learning needs to be spread out over time.

In the VET world we know this. The best operators teach new skills and knowledge, and then allow the students to apply these skills over a period of time in the work place. This way they embed the skills, and can see why the new knowledge applies to their situation. RTO learning

So if you space or distribute your learning time over multiple times, which are over a period of time, you enhanced memory, learning and performance. This applies to you setting up your RTO, and also for your students.  Cramming isn’t going to support your student with their transfer of skills.

So for you to apply these principles into your RTO learning. Look at how you can space out the learning for your students. It is an awesome way to provide training, allow the students to apply it in the workplace, and then come back for more learning.

Remember to apply your continuous improvement into the curriculum and review your strategies regularly.

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