Are your RTO policies and procedures up-to-date?

Wow! I love reflecting on the cycles within businesses, and this month’s reflection shows we have been doing many internal audits at RTOs, and assisting them with strategies to grow their business and compliance.

Part of the journey we take with RTOs is to find out what is happening with their continuous improvement, the feedback results and constant monitoring of the RTO environment. This is an area that ASQA/TAC auditors review. as part of this process it is expected that RTOs regularly review its policies, procedures and processes to ensure they continue to comply with the RTO Standards and all relevant legislation.  Policies and procedures are the backbone of the RTO and by following what they say assists the organisation to achieve quality in the areas of student enrolment, marketing, training and meeting your client needs. What happens in reality is that they get forgotten in the daily tasks of managing the students and trainers.

Continuous improvement of RTO systems is an area that RTO’s often fall down in according to my conversations with accrediting bodies. So often RTOs are not doing what they say they are doing in their policies and procedures. Therefore you could be risking non-compliance.

So what do RTO systems look like?

There isn’t one answer; instead there are many.

They could look like:

  • Having up-to-date (to the RTO Standards 2015) documented policies and procedures.
  • Having mechanisms in your policies and procedures that show how you collect regular, valid and reliable feedback from stakeholders, such as your students, staff and employers.
  • Validation plans being implemented
  • Assessment that is regularly monitored, reviewed and improved.
  • Meeting student, USI, complaints and appeals requirements
  • A procedure to show how you regularly consult industry

If you are looking at purchasing the latest version of the required policies and procedures then RTO Mentor has our highly regarded Policy and Procedure manual that is ASQA/TAC Audit tested over many audits (to the 2015 Standards).

You can get them here >>

RTO policies and procedures
Keeping your RTO systems current


My name is Merinda Smith. I am an RTO Consultant and Mentor. I am also the founder of RTO Mentor and Become an RTO. I  specialise in helping Australian based business and RTO owners to increase their profitability and Compliance. I help them to create their ultimate business.

Over the last 8 years I have had the pleasure and honour of personally mentoring over 200 RTOs to create their ideal RTO business. I believe that life is too short to be stuck in a compliance nightmare.

If you want to increase the profitability and compliance of your RTO please join our free newsletter list.

You can join for free here >>


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