All RTOS are required to report. whilst this video is developed by ASQA it is still relevant to all RTOs. Consistent with obligations of recent years, RTOs are required to provide annual summary reports on quality indicator data about client satisfaction and students attainment of competencies
achieved throughout 2014, to ASQA by 30 June 2015.
Report full Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS) compliant data on all nationally recognised training activity they conduct.
Provide an annual summary report (against three nationally endorsed quality indicators) to ASQA by 30 June each year, about its operations throughout the previous calendar year. The three quality indicator data sources are:
– learner engagement – employer satisfaction, and
– competency completion. The National Skills Standards Council (NSSC)
develops and maintains the national standards for regulation of vocational education and training. RTOs can refer to a series of factsheets and frequently asked questions about quality indicators for RTOs that the NSSC has published on its
website at It is important to note the NSSC’s requirements apply to all RTOs, whether registered by ASQA or one of the other two state VET regulators.
The findings of these questionnaires, as collected throughout a calendar year, are to be reported to ASQA by 30 June of the following year.
Remember to include trends in response statistics, commonalities – or surprising or unexpected survey responses, and trends with previous QI data findings. The reports should also consider: information gained from analysis, preventative or corrective actions that have been implemented, and – how the effectiveness of such actions will be monitored.
Day-to-day supervisors are best-placed to respond to the Employer Satisfaction survey (for RTOs that only deliver training to their own staff or volunteers).
Total VET Activity? is the Ministerial Council’s national data collection and reporting initiative.
The National VET Provider Collection Data Requirements Policy requires all RTOs to collect full AVETMISS-compliant data of all competency enrolments and outcomes achieved throughout each calendar year. Early in the following year, RTOs must report this data to the NCVER (unless they have done so through existing contractual arrangements). AVETMISS requires certain personal demographic information to be gathered and reported for each student.
If you would like more information please refer to the ASQA website,
If you have any questions regarding data provision and reporting requirements you can call the
Info line on 1300 701 801 Monday to Friday
9.00am to 7.00pm EST, or email your enquiry to