RTO Safety needs to be high on the priority list. Safe Work Australia is set to run its popular Virtual Seminar Series from October. The seminars will feature work health and safety experts, who will share ideas on how to improve the safety of Australian workers.
Safe Work Australia will broadcast the seminars throughout October, November and December, according to CEO Michelle Baxter.
The seminars come with a range of supporting materials including transcripts, case studies, research and resources.
Industry groups and representatives, unions, work health and safety professionals, the academic and research community, business leaders, employers, managers and supervisors, and governments will find the seminars valuable.
Ms Baxter said many of the seminars are available as podcasts on Soundcloud or iTunes
According Ms Baxter, the 2014 and 2015 seminars are still available on Safe Work Australia website. Consider them as part of your RTO Safety PD for staff.
“I strongly encourage viewers to share the seminars with their friends and colleagues. Our seminars provide advice and guidance for workers, employers, advocates, leaders and safety professionals – at Safe Work Australia we believe that safe workplaces are everybody’s business,” said Ms Baxter.
The 2016 seminar broadcast schedule will be released soon by Safe Work Australia.
For updates on the 2016 seminars, visit the Safe Work Australia website.