All too often I come across RTOs that have neglected their formal staff meetings, or documented them just before a pending audit. It could be because of time restrictions, too busy or not really seeing the need for them. They are however an essential part of communicating the happenings of the RTO to all stakeholders and staff.
We all have informal meetings with staff and stakeholders and usually there are outputs from these discussions. Recording these meetings as they happen is an excellent way to keep track, and also to provide evidence for any audits. The records can be dot points in a diary or note book, with tasks being assigned and followed up. Don’t make them an administrative burden, just make sure they are able to be found again, and are follow up. Try using a note book (I love the spiral bound ones) just for meetings and ticking off when the tasks are actioned. I have even seen the pages followed across to show that all tasks have been completed.
Keep is simple, but make sure you have a system that enables you to find the notes and action items again.