There has been discussion about the value of third party reports, amongst my network of RTOs. Finally I am convincing them about the value of having them in your assessment tools. Of course not all RTOs can obtain them, depending on the way the training and assessment is conducted, however where you can, I would strongly advise having them in your tool kit.
I believe they are very valuable as they provide information on how the trainee/student is applying the criteria in the workplace. When validating assessments it often hard to find consistent application of the tasks without at least one third party assessment.
The value is in how you sell the process and the information required to be completed by the third party.
It is important to have really clear information on the page to provide an overview of the report, and to gain information on the third party. Ask for the position the reviewer held relative to the student, how long they have know them, what their knowledge is in the subject (vocationally competent), if they have read the criteria.
I have heard of trainers who get employers / manager to sign the forms without even reading the report. This isn’t a value exercise and in fact is more of the classic “tick and flick”. If you undertake this practice it is likely the ASQA auditors will find you out. In this instance I would be validating the information with the person who signed the report. Ask them about the student, their knowledge and skills around the unit requirements.
It is best to obtain the reports from mentors, direct supervisors of the student, direct managers.