Trainer and Assessor qualifications within your RTO.

As you know from previous comments the NQC is no longer and they are now the NSSC.

When the NQC was winding up they finalised some outstanding items. Among the significant decisions made at its final meeting on 29 June 2011 is that there will be an amendment to the  ‘NQC Determination on AQTF trainer and assessor competency – 17 June 2010’.

TAE40110 competency:

We are now advised the following:

  • Demonstration of “equivalent competencies” for trainers and assessors is to occur through a formal Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process;
  • Trainers that do not hold the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (or its equivalent competencies) and are working under direct supervision are required to, at a minimum, hold either the ‘Enterprise trainer Skill Set’ or the ‘Enterprise trainer and assessor Skill Set’ (both of which are contained within the TAE10 Training and Education Training Package); and

Trainer Supervision:

  • This now means that trainers who do not have the TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (or equivalent competencies) and are working under direct supervision, are now required to meet the minimum Skill Set (as stated above) and are only able to work under direct supervision for no more than 2 years. After this period of time they must hold the Certificate IV or demonstrate equivalent competencies.

So just to recap your trainers and assessors require the following skills and knowledge:

  •         Technical skills for their specific industry area which includes up-to-date industry knowledge and experience
  •         Training and assessing qualifications as stated above (TAE40110, skill set or equivalent competencies)
  •         Effective interpersonal skills
  •         Organisational skills; including being able to maintain your records and reports
  •         Confidence in their own skills, ability and expertise
  •         Knowledge and skills to work within the RTO, develop tools and ‘unpack’ training packages
  •         Networking and mentoring skills for improving professional practice (and a want to do it)


1 thought on “Trainer and Assessor qualifications within your RTO.”

  1. For RTOs, the use of training management systems cannot be understated. In fact, many of the processes insides RTOs are handled efficiently by these systems. Much more so is the need of them to use AQTF-compliant training management systems.

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