There has been much talk about whether people need to upgrade their current trainer qualification to the new TAE. We hear so often the facts determined by the NQC (discussed in previous blog); but there is still so much talk. So what would I do?
If I had an older qualification and still wanted to stay within the training and assessing arena, I would upgrade to the TAE. There is no where stated that it is needed, but I would see it as an opportunity for my professional development.
So which way would you go…RPL or classroom….Depending on my skills, currency and timeframe available I would consider an RPL.
Having said that if I had the time I would seriously consider the attending some class sessions so I can have the opportunity to meet new trainers and assessors and to stay up to date. Personally I love the classroom interaction and always pick up some tips on how I could do things better.
As I write this post more and more RTO’s are getting the TAE on scope and your choice is widening of who you can select. If you are serious about being a trainer and assessor int he VET arena, consider the opportunity to improve your knowledge as well as update your currency.