Developing your training and assessment strategies

So often when people are setting up new training they are concerned about how they can meet the RTO Standards, as well as how they can make it work for their students. Your training and assessment strategies are key.

This video from the Science Of Learning Research Centre provides valuable insight into how we should be training and assessing our students.

What does it mean to us? training and assessment strategies

As well as why the industry consultation is so valuable in making a decision on how to address your training and assessment strategies.

The research is showing areas that we as VET Trainers and Assessors have been applying for years. Basically you need to facilitate practice within the similar environments as they would in the workplace. You need to consider if the workplace is typically a single type environment or one that changes regularly. This information then feeds into how the training and then assessment is best conducted; using as many different and varied environments as possible, or just a classroom.

Use your consultation to develop your training and assessment strategies (TAS). The training and assessment strategies guides and structures the delivery and assessment arrangements of a VET unit, skill set or qualification.

The video can be watched here.

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