Training Regulator Annual Strategy – Stakeholder Advice Request
WA’s vocational education and training regulator, TAC (Training Accreditation Council) would like to advise stakeholders of the opportunity to provide their feedback regarding current concerns and/or emerging issues in the training sector.
Committed to maintaining a high quality vocational education and training (VET) system
The Training Accreditation Council (TAC) in Western Australia is committed to maintaining a high quality vocational education and training (VET) system through effective regulation. An integral part of TAC’s risk-based approach to regulation is the publication of its Annual Regulatory Strategy.
The Annual Regulatory Strategy identifies the regulatory focus for the coming year. It reinforces messages contained within the TAC Risk Framework and communicates TAC’s commitment to responding to State based priorities and risks in a timely manner.
Consultation with key stakeholders is an important part of the development of the Annual Regulatory Strategy. For this reason you are invited to participate in our short survey and share your valuable insights regarding current concerns and/or emerging issues impacting the VET sector and the regulation of VET in WA.
The survey will remain open until 15 May 2017.
To view the TAC Risk Framework and current Annual Regulatory Strategy, click here.
If you have any questions or technical difficulties completing the survey please contact Mel Hartley, A/Principal Consultant Risk & Information on (08) 9441 1923 or